Argentine dog (dogo argentino) – a watchdog and a hunter for experienced keepers

The Argentine Dog, also known as the Argentine Mastiff, is an excellent watchdog that requires consistent and intensive training. He is extremely intelligent and very friendly towards his family. Unfortunately, it can be aggressive in emergency situations.

The Argentine dog is a controversial breed that has a lot of its fans. These animals are balanced, very intelligent and playful. Their characteristic features also include unwavering self-confidence and courage. Combined with its enormous force, it can be an explosive mixture when it comes to an extreme situation. That is why it is a dogonly for experienced and self-controlled keepers. 

Argentine dog – breed appearance and description

Argentine Great Danes are large dogs . Their height at the withers reaches 68 centimeters, and the female dogs are only slightly shorter than the males. Weight ranges from 36 to 45 kilograms and depends on many factors, including gender and breed line.

The Argentine Dog is a molossoid dog. He has a harmonious body structure and is very well muscled. His hair is short, smooth and very close to the body. The breed standard allows for a white coat. While the Argentine Gray Dog is a frequently sought-after variety, any deviation from white is unwelcome. The breed was originally used for hunting, so it had to be clearly visible in forest conditions. Additionally, the white coat allowed for the quick location of potential wounds. The Argentine Black Dog therefore does not follow the pattern, although some dogs do develop a slight spot around the eye. However, it should not take up more than ten percent of the entire head. 

Argentine dog – the nature of the breed

The Dogo argentino is a single owner dog. Raised in a family, he will, of course, show sympathy for all its members, but he will certainly choose one guardian who will be the center of the universe for him.

Due to a very strong hunting instinct, a dog of this breed has a tendency to treat other animals (especially small ones) as prey. When he hunts a prey there is very little chance of him recalling him, which is why he is a dog that should be an only child. 

In relation to strangers, the Argentine Hound is calm, but aloof. When it senses a threat, it can become aggressive and dangerous. He absolutely trusts his guide, and when he thinks he is in danger, he can become a real killing machine. This is why the emotional stability of the caregiver is very important. Your dog’s relationship to other people is almost entirely dependent on your relationship to them. 

The Argentine dog is famous for its very high intelligence. He learns very quickly, and properly trained and conducted with consistency and gentleness, he quickly learns new skills. That is why representatives of this breed are often used as working dogs in various services. 

It is worth remembering that the Argentinean Dog has a natural inclination to both hunt and protect his family. Incorrect training , overly brutal handling of a dog or leaving him alone is a simple way to stimulate his aggression. In this way, the pet can become a dangerous dog, difficult to control. 

Strong character and persistence most often lead to the fact that Argentine Great Dane puppies should start training under the supervision of a professional. 

Argentine Shepherd Dog – health

Argentine Great Danes are hardy and very strong dogs. They cope well in various weather conditions. In general, these are animals that are in good health and do not get sick very often. Life expectancy is between ten and twelve years, which is relatively good for such a large dog. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Argentine Sheepdogs don’t have any health problems. Like most white dogs, they suffer from deafness relatively often due to a lack of pigment.

Single-sided deafness is especially dangerous, as it is relatively difficult to detect. In kennels, BAER tests are performed when puppies are between seven and eight weeks of age. This is very important as dogs suffering from such a disorder should be strictly excluded from breeding. 

Like all large dogs, the Argentine Dog can have problems with hip and elbow dysplasia. Food allergies are relatively common, so in the case of skin problems or poor tolerance of certain foods, it is worth contacting a dietician. 

Grooming the Argentine Great Dane

Grooming an Argentine Great Dane’s coat is not difficult. The dog’s coat is short and smooth, so to keep it in good condition, occasional combing with a special glove or a rubber brush is enough. 

The Argentinean Great Dane does not shed a lot of hair, but it is very sharp, so it can clump on clothes or upholstery. The condition of the coat and skin is influenced by proper nutrition. It is worth opting for the BARF diet or good quality commercial food – dry or wet. 

Argentine dog – breeding

The availability of Argentine Great Dane puppies is quite high, so you should have no problems finding a litter. Sometimes you have to wait a bit, but the dates are usually not too long. 

The Argentinean Great Dane is a breed recognized by the FCI, so choose a pedigree puppy. In Poland, one organization is entitled to issue pedigrees – the Polish Kennel Club. Cultures associated in other associations are problematic and, as a rule, they should be avoided. This is very important, because a dog with the dimensions and features of an Argentine Great Dane should be perfectly stable. The uncontrolled reproduction of these animals can lead to the formation of problematic and dangerous dogs. Pseudo-breeders often use the term American Great Dane, which is absolutely incorrect in relation to this breed. The same should be said for the Argentine pit bull. 

Contact with the breeder should be smooth. All your questions and doubts should be dispelled. If the breeder avoids answering some of the questions or makes contact difficult, it is best to look for another place. Remember that sometimes it is better to wait for a puppy from a good breeding farm than to rush out to buy a pet from a problematic source. 

Argentine Great Dane price

Argentine Great Dane puppies from FCI kennel are currently costing from 3.5 to 6 thousand zlotys. Usually, it is not necessary to bring your pet from abroad, but if you are considering such an option, you should add the cost of transport to the investment. 

Argentine Mastiff – the history of the breed

As the name suggests, the Argentine Great Danes come from Argentina, and more precisely from the Cordoba commission. Interestingly, we know exactly the identity of the creator of the breed. It was a doctor – Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez, who lived in the first half of the 20th century. 

Martinez spent his whole life with dogs and dreamed of creating an ideal breed. In 1928 he set to work. The starting point was the Cordoba fighting dog, famous in those areas. The doctor crossed it with different breeds, mainly for hunting and fighting. 

The first generations of the Argentine Great Danes were characterized by emotional instability and aggression. Martinez dreamed that the dogs would not only accompany him on his beloved hunts, but also be good family companions. The breeding goal was also to achieve a completely white color, which not only worked well in the climate of Argentina, but was also clearly visible in the forest during hunting. 

The breeds Martinez used for crossbreeds include: 

  • pointer ,
  • Irish wolfhound ,
  • dogue de Bordeaux ,
  • big pyrenean dog,
  • great dane ,
  • ESpanish Mastiff ,
  • bulldog,
  • bull terrier . 

The Argentine Dog was officially accepted by the FCI as a separate breed in 1973. A little earlier, in 1964, it was recognized by the Argentine Kennel Club. So far, it is the only breed from this country that is included in the FCI recognized breed group.

Argentine dog – for whom?

The Argentine dog is a wonderful animal. He is strong, resilient, intelligent and infinitely loving. At the same time, some of its character traits make it suitable only for people who have extensive experience in the proper upbringing of dogs. 

This is very important because proper training and behavior will help you get all the best features out of this dog. On the other hand, neglect, violence, impatience or inconsistency can seriously disturb the animal’s psyche. Even the best genes will not protect him then from aggravating aggressive behavior. 

Many people wonder if a dog of this breed will be at home with children. If the dog is properly guided, this is not a contraindication. The Argentinean Great Dane accepts children in their family, but they have a neutral attitude towards them. Due to their size, however, they should be under constant control when they are in contact with babies. 

A little more problematic is the question of other animals in the house – especially small ones. Raising an Argentine Great Dane with a cat or a rabbit may turn out to be disastrous for these smaller animals. Also other dogs are usually not well tolerated by Great Dane.

The Argentine Dog will be the perfect dog for someone who is looking for a faithful friend and an effective guardian at the same time. His defensive instinct is very strong and his physical abilities are virtually limitless. That is why it is a dog only for an experienced and composed person who will be able to control it.

Argentine dog – interesting facts

  • The Argentine Dog is on the list of dog breedsconsidered aggressive.
  • We can also find him on similar lists in Australia, Singapore and Ukraine.
  • Keeping the Argentinean Great Dane at home requires a permit, which can be obtained from the competent municipal authority. 
  • This is the only Argentinian breed recognized by the FCI.
  • The Argentine Dog is often incorrectly referred to as the Argentine Pit Bull . However, such a race does not exist. It is also a bit of a misunderstanding to refer to the Argentineans as the American Great Dane. 

The Argentinean Great Dane is definitely not a breed for everyone. They are mentally and physically strong dogs. They have a strong hunting instinct and are excellent watchdogs, but they are not really good family dogs – especially if you plan to keep other animals at home. Faithful to his guide, he will defend him to the last blood. To control it, you need not only strength, but also the ability to build a lasting relationship.