Are dogs good for babies: Benefits of having a dog for a child?

“Mom, Dad – I want a dog!” And what are the Benefits of having a dog for a child?– more than one parent has heard this sentence. As your child comes back to the topic more and more, you start to wonder. Maybe it is really worth expanding the group of household members with a four-legged friend? However, more questions and doubts keep popping up in your head.

And it is very good that they appear, because there is something to think about! A dog is not a toy that can be packed in a box in the garage when it ceases to arouse the interest of our child. It is a living creature with its own character, emotions and needs. By inviting a pet home, we accept responsibility for its fate and well-being. It is such a serious responsibility that – there is nothing to cheat here – it must rest with an adult. Certainly, inviting a dog to the family will add to the daily activities of the parents first of all, so if you (adults) do not feel up to this challenge, you should not just be tempted to satisfy your offspring’s whim.

On the other hand, you’ve probably heard of the many benefits for children’s development of being raised with a canine friend. As a mother of several children and a guardian of several dogs, I will share the most important ones according to my experience. First of all, nothing will encourage young people to be physically active and move outdoors as well as the opportunity to spend time with a four-legged friend. In the era of ubiquitous computers and smartphones, this is an incredible advantage! In addition, dogs that are able to thank you for the daily care and attention, teach your child to be empathetic, responsible and open to the needs of others. Finally – a deep relationship with a pet is constant emotional support useful at different stages of a child’s life, a remedy for loneliness, school nerves, problems with self-acceptance, etc. In view of so many advantages, it is worth taking a look at the possibility of inviting the dog to the family. However, it is important to remember that for the dog-child relationship to be beneficial, both parties must feel comfortable with each other. Building such a relationship requires taking care of the dog’s well-being from the very first day of his stay in his new home. It will be of great importance here whether your child really understands (adequately to age) what is associated with having a canine friend. How can you check this before your dog arrives at home? whether your child really understands (adequately to age) what is involved in having a canine friend. How can you check this before your dog arrives at home? whether your child really understands (adequately to age) what is involved in having a canine friend. How can you check this before your dog arrives at home?


Perhaps you have come across the idea that from a child who drills a hole in his parents’ stomach against a dog, for some time it is necessary to take care of an “invisible dog”. The child would have to place empty bowls in the kitchen at fixed times or get up in the morning and go for a walk with only a leash. With its consequence, it can “earn” a dog. While such a plan may seem reasonable, it makes little sense from my point of view.

I do not think that it is possible to directly translate the child’s determination to win the desired prize into the enthusiasm with which it will take care of a real dog for several years of its life. More importantly, however, this idea carries the dangerous assumption that feeding and taking a dog for a walk are loops for the underage. I am very warning against such thinking! Both of these situations are associated with the fulfillment of the animal’s key needs, and thus – with strong emotions. It is easy to make a mistake here, which will adversely affect the further relationship with the dog, may lead to potentially dangerous situations or behavioral problems of the dog. That is why I encourage the process of feeding and walking the dog to always take place under the supervision of parents, even if the children will help in these duties. The real readiness of a child to share a house with a dog companion can be checked “dry” in a different way. You may find it helpful to answer three simple questions:

  • How is your child coping with keeping things organized?

You think it’s unrelated? The moment your dog comes to your house, you will notice this relationship! Help with cleaning means more time for the parent to look after the dog. However, first of all, it reduces the risk of conflict and dangerous situations on the dog-child line, e.g. crying due to a bitten cuddly bear, visiting the vet after the dog eats dough or nerves related to the disappearance of pizza left on the floor. If you have a little messy at home, try to teach him the habit of cleaning up after play and eating in advance. A house where things have their place is definitely a friendlier environment for a dog.  

  • Is your child sensitive to change?

Undoubtedly, they will be forced by the presence of the quadruped. Your order of the day may change, the arrangement of furniture, zones in the house so far intended for the carefree play of a child, holiday destinations (you can’t go everywhere with your dog) or the way you welcome guests at home. Both smaller and older children (adolescent teens) can be very sensitive to sudden turbulences, especially if they have to cope with other changes in their lives at the same time. Isn’t such a period now for your little ones? Before bringing your dog home, talk to your child about the changes this may involve. You can also test certain elements, such as joint walks to the park at different times of the day or preparing a dog’s corner of peace at home, without the presence of a living quadruped, gradually getting your child used to new habits.

  • What does your child know about dog communication?

In other words, is it able to understand what the dog is saying to it and does it know how different human behaviors (gestures, sounds, expressions) can be perceived by the dog? This is a key issue when it comes to family safety, knowledge much more important than what type of bowl or lair to choose for the new ward. Seemingly innocent behavior of a child, such as an attempt to hug a dog, may be interpreted by an animal as a threat or attack against which an attempt is made to defend itself with aggression. Wagging the tail does not always mean being in a good mood, and jumping around is the desire to have fun. Invite your child to watch the webinars togetherabout dog communication, and then check the new knowledge in practice. Talk about what you think the dogs observed in the nearby park are communicating. As long as you do not take care of your own fur, it is much easier to do it, and the habits acquired during such sessions will make it easier for all family members to build a relationship with your dog.

Since we are talking about watching different dogs … If you feel that you and your child are ready for the challenge of adopting a canine friend, you are probably wondering which dog to choose?


Which breed of dog for a child is the best? Will a dog or a bitch for a child be better ? Should I decide to buy a puppy from the kennel or maybe in the shelter you can also find dogs for the child? Well… let’s start by asking the above questions in a slightly different way. There is simply no such thing as a ” good dog for a child “. Many dogs have suffered from the fact that their breed was presented as the gentlest dogs for children. There may be a good family for a dog, though! So think together – what kind of dog will we be a good family for?

Good, i.e. one that respects the dog’s needs, and these will actually differ slightly depending on the type, age, sex and origin of the animal. Adults are different, and children are also different. Some families love cycling or long trips to the forest, others prefer watching movies under one blanket. It is therefore wise to look for a dog whose character will match the unique character of your entire family. Together, read the reliable descriptions of dog breeds, talk to the keepers, breeders or – if you prefer – shelter employees. Do not choose a dog “by appearance”, but on the basis of whether your lifestyle will be conducive to meeting the needs of a particular animal. Also, do not forget to include the views of the children in these considerations. So what if parents bet on a happy Labrador, if, scared by the size of the dog, the daughter becomes nervous from the beginning? Maybe mom loves miniature Maltese dogs, but it can be difficult for an adolescent, athletic son to develop delicate behaviors with this tiny dog. No guide will tell you what type of dog will feel comfortable in your home.


The decision to buy or adopt a dog, even if initiated by a child, should be considered and accepted by the whole family. If both parents and children are ready for a dog at home, it may be the best decision of your life, which I sincerely wish you. However, remember that inviting your pet to the family is only the beginning of the path to building a successful relationship between your dog and your child. Good preparation will help you and your little one take their first steps more confidently.

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