Are Affenpinschers cuddly? – Great Personality In A Very Small Body

An Affenpinscher is a small dog, which, however, does not have the nature of a typical sandwich. He is brave, strong and independent, prone to excitability. It requires training and consistent work. Well-mannered, he is an extremely faithful friend

The Monkey Pinscher is a tiny dog ​​with a great temperament. A cute face and small size make many people want to have this pet at home. Contrary to appearances, the monkey pinscher requires consistent training. He is very intelligent and extremely brave, and he has an exaggerated belief in his strength. It behaves territorially and informs the caretakers loudly about every intruder

Monkey pinscher – appearance

Affenpinscher is a small pet. Its height at the withers does not exceed 30 centimeters, and its silhouette is strong, compact and square. The limbs are straight, parallel and quite short, while the tail is naturally straight. 

Affenpinscher – characteristics

At first glance, the monkey pinscher is distinguished by the head, namely the lower jaw, which protrudes in front of the upper jaw. It is also slightly turned upwards. The pattern, however, makes it very clear that the dog ‘s teeth should not be visible when the mouth is closed. This is a very serious defect which disqualifies you from dog shows. 

Monkey pinscher – color

The monkey pinscher is always black in color. He has dark, slightly bulging eyes. Its hair is medium long, dense and hard. At first glance, it looks a bit disheveled. On the face, it forms a characteristic beard, mustache and eyebrows. It is this unique “monkey” appearance that gave the breed its name.

Affenpinscher – character

When we see such a tiny and cute dog, we usually expect a meek teddy bear, perfect for the couch and elbows. Meanwhile, the monkey pinscher deviates from this description as far as possible. This small animal has a temperament that a giant breed dog would not be ashamed of. He is extremely strong and very brave, which means that without proper training he will quickly rule the whole house. 

Monkey pinscher – training and problems

Monkey pinschers are very territorial, therefore, contrary to appearances, they are a great guardian . They will not miss any irregularities. They inform about the presence of an unwanted person by barking loudly. 

Persistence and determination mean that the monkey pinscher needs specific and consistent training. Many people assume that such small dogs do not need to be trained, but nothing could be more wrong. Affenpinscher should be familiar with the rules of the house and be aware that there are no exceptions to them. It is also worth teaching him obedience.

The attitude of the monkey pinscher to animals

An untrained monkey pinscher can be aggressive towards other dogs. For this reason, his socialization should be based on proper contacts with them. The animal must learn to read signals and behave in the presence of other representatives of its species. 

Affenpinscher – family and activity

The well-mannered Affenpinscher is the perfect friend of the family. Although he is not one of the most effusive dogs, he is capable of showing affection. If he has something to do while you are away from home, he will easily be alone for a few hours. 

Although the monkey pinscher is not an athlete type, it has a lot of energy for its size. It is enduring and requires physical and mental stimulation for its proper development. He likes taking long walks and is not afraid of new challenges. 

The monkey pinscher – health

Monkey pinschers are relatively healthy and long-lived dogs. They can even reach the age of sixteen in good condition. Their potential health problems are typical of brachycephalic dogs, that is, dogs with a short muzzle and a flattened skull. Affenpinscher can snore while napping. It also tolerates heat very badly – it is not advisable to be very active during them. The dog may then have difficulty breathing.

Some animals have heart problems, so before buying a puppy it is worth asking the breeder how long other quadrupeds in the same lineage have lived. Occasionally there are eye diseases, including cataracts. Affenpinscher is also prone to tartar build-up, so it is worth checking the condition of his teeth frequently. 

Affenpinscher – care

Care for a monkey pinscher is not particularly difficult. However, regularity of individual treatments is very important. It is recommended to brush the dog at least twice a week . A box brush and a comb with widely spaced teeth will be useful for this, which allows you to comb out possible felts and tangles.

Some keepers choose to trim the hair on the animal’s head so that it does not fall into its eyes. It is also recommended to trim the hair from time to time. For this, it is worth visiting a groomer. But don’t worry – Affenpinscher’s coat grows relatively slowly, so you don’t need to do it more often than every few months. 

Monkey pinscher – breeding

The monkey pinscher is not very popular in Poland. This means that there are not too many kennels of these dogs here. That is why you usually have to go to another country to get a puppy. 

Never buy a dog from an unknown source. Trustworthy kennels are those associated in the Polish Kennel Club. The dogs that come out of them receive the pedigrees of the International Cynological Federation. 

Monkey pinscher – price

The question of how much affenpinscher costs is not easy to answer. The breed is extremely rare and very few puppies are born in our country. If you are charmed by this disheveled toddler, look for a foreign breeding monkey pinscher. The price for a young dog there is around 2,000 euros. You must also add the cost of transport. 

Affenpinscher – the history of the breed

The monkey pinscher is a very old breed that has existed for at least several centuries. Kennel historians disagree as to what exactly her origin is, however. The image of a very similar, small, curly and black doggie is found in many departments of art. The oldest are dated to the 15th century.

Monkey pinscher – working dog

In the old days, the monkey pinscher was primarily used to exterminate small rodents. Both this feature and appearance combine it with a griffon. These dogs are closely related to each other, although cynologists have been arguing for years which one it comes from. 

Over time, the ancestors of today’s monkey pinscher began to move from the stables to human homes. At that time, they began to be crossed with various breeds, including pugs and schnauzers . This resulted in a reduction of individuals and a significant shortening of the muzzle. However, there was a certain chaos in terms of the color of the coat. Occasionally there were monkey pinschers of various colors – from gray and ginger to ashen and even speckled. 

The Affenpinscher breed standard

As early as 1913, a breed standard was published which clearly stated that the Affenpinscher could only have black hair . Nevertheless, the colored colors were still present. German breeders made every effort to eliminate all colors except black. However, this process lasted almost thirty years – from 1917 to 1946. 

After World War II, the popularity of these dogs dropped significantly. Even in their native Germany, they were quite rare. Currently, monkey pinscher enjoys moderate popularity. There are very few of them in our country, therefore puppies most often need to be looked for in foreign breedings. 

Monkey pinscher – for whom?

The monkey pinscher has a very distinctive disposition. It is an extremely lively dog ​​that never leaves the energy and willingness to discover new things. It requires not only commitment and time from its tutor, but also training and activity. He can live with the elderly, but only those who want to work with the dog and are able to cope with his activity. 

Affenpinscher is usually quite good at being left at home, but leaving it alone on a regular basis is not a good idea. It is worth noting that the monkey pinscher is not the best companion for young children. This inconspicuous dog can be really jealous and possessive, and the arrival of an engaging toddler at home can stress him a lot. 

Monkey Pinschers are barking and therefore will not be suitable companions for people who appreciate silence. When properly brought up, however, they can be perfect friends and faithful companions. 

Affenpinscher – interesting facts

Monkey Pinschers with the FCI pedigree are almost unavailable in Poland. Until recently, there was only one breeding of this breed in our country. 

Affenpinscher is a tiny dog ​​with a huge personality. He is cheerful and sociable, he will find himself in every apartment. However, it is worth remembering that he requires consistent training and can be possessive. He is not a good friend for young children, but he will make a good home for an active older person who will know how to raise him.