What comes to mind when we think about air conditioning? Typically, we associate it with warmth, the delightful coolness inside the car, summer, and vacations. However, very few drivers connect it with winter usage. This perception is a misconception! Air conditioning should function in winter just as it does in summer. Let’s explore why!
While air conditioning is commonly associated with cooling, its operation during the winter can be advantageous for both the well-being of the occupants and the overall performance of the vehicle.
How to effectively utilize car air conditioning during the winter?
First and foremost, it’s essential to use it regularly. Do not overlook the importance of the air conditioning system, and make an effort to leverage its advantages whenever feasible. Running the air conditioner for a few minutes at least once a week is recommended, but you can keep it activated continuously.
For optimal performance, engage the closed air circulation option whenever possible. This helps prevent the air conditioning system from freezing during extended operation in low temperatures. Adjust the cabin temperature based on your comfort preferences. Keep in mind that even temperatures as moderate as 16–17 degrees Celsius, when it’s cold outside, can provide a pleasantly warm environment inside the car.
A common inquiry from car users pertains to whether the car’s air conditioning can generate heat. The answer depends on the external temperature. The temperature contrast determines whether something feels warm or cold to the senses. For instance, 16 degrees Celsius in winter feels significantly warmer than the same temperature in summer, offering distinct comfort experiences.
Why should you consider using air conditioning during winter?
Utilizing air conditioning in the colder months not only benefits the system itself but also has a positive impact on the lubrication of mechanical components supporting the air conditioning and the heater. While there is a slight increase in fuel consumption, the associated cost is minimal compared to potential repair expenses.
Regularly activating the air conditioning in winter helps reduce air humidity within the car. This, in turn, safeguards against fungal growth, promotes quicker defogging of windows, and enhances overall driving comfort and health for both you and your passengers. It’s important to ensure that the air conditioning unit doesn’t develop mold when used in winter.
Furthermore, running the air conditioning during winter contributes to the well-being of the system. This proactive measure eliminates the need for post-season servicing, prolongs the life of the compressor, prevents freezing of lubricating fluids, and helps avoid the accumulation of debris in the ducts.

What happens if you neglect to activate the air conditioning in winter?
Primarily, the air conditioning won’t engage when needed. The system requires time to initiate and re-lubricate its components. However, there’s no guarantee that the cooling process will occur!
There’s a high likelihood that the compressor might malfunction. The oil may struggle to provide sufficient lubrication, leading to the seizing of other components within the air conditioning system. In some cases, refrigerant replacement may also be necessary. The most effective approach to revive your system after winter is to have it professionally serviced. Specialists will conduct inspections, assess all parameters, and ensure the system’s functionality.
Therefore, it’s advisable to keep the air conditioning operational, both in summer and winter!
Summary of Car Air Conditioning in Winter:
Although the air conditioning doesn’t generate heat, the low ambient temperature can create a sensation of warmth even at 17 degrees Celsius in the car. Regular use of air conditioning is recommended, but certain guidelines should be followed, such as maintaining a closed circulation. Activating the air conditioning in winter benefits both your car and your well-being. It safeguards the vehicle against mold and aids in faster window cleaning. Neglecting to turn on the air conditioning in winter can result in substantial expenses. In extreme situations, the entire system may need replacement.
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